You can really see this in buildings and cars. You look at some of the mills and factories from the 30's that were built when brick laying was a craft and there were no minimum wage laws. No, you went and worked as an apprentice and you learned and earned a trade, a craft and that became in many places, works of art, really, if you look at them. They have style! They are not pre-poured, pre-molded put together like legos. I've seen many beautiful buildings torn down to make way for a parking lot of mall. Our cars are the worst, yea they can drive themselves almost and have every safety feature going, video for the kids, heated seats, but no style what so ever. look at this 1956 Cadillac compared to a 2013. Sure the 2013 is all aerodynamic and all but look at the lines and frill of the 1956. the 56 is a thing of beauty and STYLE!!!! Ha,ha!!!!
Don't follow the corporatized crowd! Put your own personal spin on the way you dress and the way you lead your life. Express yourself! Ha,ha!!!

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