I really like to complain and hate on faceless corporations. There are a few, that no matter how I want to hate them, they try to do the right thing.
Flying the friendly skies used to be fun. you got a free adult beverage, you were treated courteously, if a plane was late for any reason, the airlines bent over backwards to try to make you happy. Now days with all the security, it's more like your cattle being lead to slaughter and you have no room in your seat, even when I flew first class from ATL - GSP the seat was very uncomfortable. Two of my last three flights with Delta have been nightmares. Both were for funerals. #1~ Airlines don't do bereavement flights anymore. $800 round trip from DEN - GSP for the last trip. A couple of year ago, my flight out of Denver was late. I was told I would miss my connecting flight out of Atlanta but that they would have a hotel room. In Atlanta there were no hotel rooms. They were passing out $50 vouchers for future flights. I was so pissed that I told the lady
"a lot of good it was doing me right then and after this who says I'll ever fly with Delta again." Delta does have the cheapest airfares.....the next flight went according to plan. Then this last year. My first flight out of GSP was late and the stewards were nasty rude, yelling at people. I missed my connecting flight out of Detroit. I was stuck in Detroit for 5 hours. Delta gave me a $6 voucher. $6 wont buy you hardly anything in an airport. It was the weather, I know it wasn't really Deltas fault. The thing is; I think part of what is wrong with our society is that no one wants to take responsibility for anything that goes wrong. There is NO where that
"The Buck Stops." Airlines used to take responsibility no matter the fault. Because of my frustration with all the fun being taken out of flying and my two very bad flights with Delta, I love to make Delta my whipping boy. I keep saying that I'm never going to fly with Delta again. There again they usually have the lowest priced flights. I plan to fly with them one more time, we will see how it goes.
Over the years, I've flown a good bit. When I first asked about my sky miles account, when you still bought your ticket at a counter and not on-line the ticket people told me the miles would be added automatically. I have a card and the other day I got curious and went on-line to check my account. I don't know, maybe you had to register and I never did, maybe I have another account. I'm a dumb-ass when it comes to this kind of stuff...... all right! I registered the card I had and the only miles on there were for my up coming trip. You can enter flights from 9 months before. When I tried to add the trip from July, the site wouldn't let me. So, of course they had a place to file a question, I was really only going to inquire about the sky miles, I didn't mean to complain..... uh, then they used the words... or complaint. I started about the miles and then quickly went into my diatribe on my frustrations with the previous flights. They were very apologetic After digging up some information for them, they gave me 5000 miles and someone else is supposed to contact me about my flight in July. That is a nice gesture. It probably covers most of my miles I've flown, but you see, it takes 10,000 miles to get a discounted ticket and as little as I fly, that will take forever. Maybe its greedy of me, but I want something tangible, something that makes me feel good right now about what happened during a terrible situation. If they want me to think of them in the way I think of
North Face, it would be nice if I got some upgrades or free stuff on my upcoming flights.
At least they were apologetic, timely in their response and made an effort to correct something that wasn't really all their fault. Very unlike
Toshiba and Best Buy who take no responsibility for the products they make or sale.