I added a gps app to my new smart phone and on a long road trip on the east coast tried it out. It worked great when I had an address and needed directions. But, like a lot of people the gps on this phone thinks that the interstate is the best way to go. When it came time to leave Orlando and go over to Panama City beach It wanted me to go north on I-75 until I hit I-10. I didn't like this so much and looked at a map and picked out another route that took me along a beautiful two lane highway with a 55 mph speed limit. It was a beautiful drive through the Apalachicola National Forest. Very little traffic, Florida before condos . Just a beautiful drive and at 55 mph that is where my jeep gets the best gas mileage. There was one little hick-up and I didn't really realize it until I noticed something wasn't right. I was using "Map Quest" but also "Google Maps" and they were not giving me the same directions. I got kind of off course, but quickly realized it and got back on the right track. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have made any better time on the interstate. In this case the gps is what got me turned around.
When I left Panama City, I don't know, maybe it was the only way to go but the gps took me by back roads to Memphis a beautiful drive through the Alabama country side.
Is it possible that the gps has a brain and it has figured out I
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