No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. "
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine
Monday, April 29, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Toshiba and Best Buy ( the next step)
I'm am so appalled at the lack of response from Toshiba and Best Buy that I'm taking this boycott nation wide and I'm going to do my best to make it go viral.
It may take a month or two but I plan to take out a full page ad in USA Today and tell my story. I seem to have lost 5 years of pictures, countless writings and music, the lap top is constantly typing double letters and I had to restart it three times yesterday while trying to write a post. At this point I don't care about the cost. I just think this is a big part of what is wrong in America. I'm mad as HELL and i'm not going to take it any more.
Join me in a boycott of all Toshiba products and Best Buy!
Share my story and lets show faceless corporations that they can no longer treat the little guy any way they feel like.
It may take a month or two but I plan to take out a full page ad in USA Today and tell my story. I seem to have lost 5 years of pictures, countless writings and music, the lap top is constantly typing double letters and I had to restart it three times yesterday while trying to write a post. At this point I don't care about the cost. I just think this is a big part of what is wrong in America. I'm mad as HELL and i'm not going to take it any more.
Join me in a boycott of all Toshiba products and Best Buy!
Share my story and lets show faceless corporations that they can no longer treat the little guy any way they feel like.
Toshiba/ Best Buy Consumer Complaint Response
I think this just proves that Toshiba and Best Buy does not care about customer satisfaction!
Apr 25, 2013 - Case #2041131933 Successfully Archived. The party/organization has been officially censured by the CCA and a negative designation has been filed in permanent CCA records. After this point, it is still possible that the organization may contact you to resolve this complaint. We regret that a more favorable outcome could not be reached, but be aware that your complaint will remain on record and will serve as a stern warning to others to avoid all dealings with the party in quesiton. Please inform us if the business/entity in question approaches you with an acceptable resolution from this point forward. A resolution can still very likely be achieved, but the organization will retain its negative designation due to the lack of a more timely response.
BOYCOTT these faceless Corporations that only care about your money
Apr 25, 2013 - Case #2041131933 Successfully Archived. The party/organization has been officially censured by the CCA and a negative designation has been filed in permanent CCA records. After this point, it is still possible that the organization may contact you to resolve this complaint. We regret that a more favorable outcome could not be reached, but be aware that your complaint will remain on record and will serve as a stern warning to others to avoid all dealings with the party in quesiton. Please inform us if the business/entity in question approaches you with an acceptable resolution from this point forward. A resolution can still very likely be achieved, but the organization will retain its negative designation due to the lack of a more timely response.
BOYCOTT these faceless Corporations that only care about your money
Friday, April 26, 2013
Is Labeled Organic Truly Organic?
When it comes to organic produce there has always been a disconnect between Edeye the consumer and Edeye the gardener. I came to age in the mid 70's. the back to the earth movement was big with the people I identified with. I remember and participated in the first earth day, I read "The Last Whole Earth Catalog" it was my bible. I read "Mother Earth News" and believed in the J. I. Rodale notion that organic gardening was part of an ecosystem that we were all a part of and that we need to live with-in that ecosystem. I have loved growing things since I was a young boy and I have used organic practices in my gardening fully believing that not only was I growing healthier food but I was also leaving behind the earth in better shape then when I started.
When I go to the grocery store as a consumer and I see the organic produce and meats, I often times wonder if the price is justifiable. Often times you will pay twice as much for organic as you would conventional grown food. A lot of times it just comes down to economics and what I can afford. Which is unfortunate because food has to be the number one source of good health.
It has come to my attention through articles I've read and through personal observation some interesting facts. First; since "High Fructose Corn Syrup" was added to our foods in the mid 60's the rise of Diabetes has become epidemic. Secondly; the first "Mad Cow" disease didn't show up until the early 1980's when huge feed lots became established as the way to raise cattle. Thirdly; I don't know the facts on this but it seems that I read more and more about the recalls of produce and meats because of salmonella and the listeria virus. From what I read in the news it seems almost epidemic. A few years ago I started trying to eliminate "High Fructose Corn Syrup" from my diet. Partly because of this I'm constantly reading and comparing food labels and HFCS is in everything! From highly processed foods to even foods you think are healthy like yogurt and even whole wheat bread. It takes a real effort to eliminate it completely. Then a year or so ago I saw a documentary named "Food Inc" this video will really open your eyes to how our food supply has been turned into a giant corporate run business that is fully manipulated and only cares about the bottom line. I started thinking that maybe organics was best. Even when not using organics in my commercial kitchen I have tried to look at ways of cooking that is more healthy for my guest. I use essential oils and use less fat and more fruits and vegetables. I buy as much as possible from local sources and Colorado grown and raised. Still the price of the organics is an issue for me, especially in a commercial setting. the ranch I've worked at the past several years has a fixed price and the price of meals has to conform, just as in any restaurant you can only charge so much for a salad whether its organic or not.
The real problem I see with organics though is not price but if it is really organic. Sure the USDA has standards set for growing organic foods, free range chickens and "naturally" raised beef and pork. Think about it though. What we put in the air and the ground that is not organic stays there. If it is in the ground it will eventually leach down into the water. The pollutants we put into the air come down in the rain and snow. This has been my thinking; if we don't treat the earth as a whole, as one huge ecosystem that we must live in and protect. Then we can grow things organically but the things we grow wont be truly organic because of the pollutants that we put in the water and air that nourishes our plants and animals. Now with GMO's and the further manipulations to our food supply by Big Corporations, I'm back to thinking that well maybe we should go organic.
Then along comes a book called The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. Turns out he supports some of my questions about organics. He goes through the evolution of corn and how it has become such a large part of our diet and how it is really just another extension for our thirst for big oil. When he turns his eyes to organics he seems to support some of my misgivings with organics. First if you go to the grocery store you will see milk with cows grazing on idyllic farms, you will see frozen packaged foods with pictures of fresh beautiful veggies. this is far from the truth. Many of the same large farms grow fields of organically grown tomatoes in fields next to fields of "conventionally" grown tomatoes. I believe, and this is just conjecture on my part, that chemicals don't know boundaries and the chemicals will leach into other fields. Also how organic is something that is packaged in plastic and transported thousands of miles using fossil fuels? Same way is it really healthy to eat foods out of season, organic or not? How organic is something grown in Argentina and then shipped thousands of miles out of season here? If you look at free range chickens, which is all the rage, the guide lines set by the USDA says that the chickens must have access to grass areas. The chickens are raised by the thousands in long houses, at the end is a small door that they can go in and out of to a small grassy area that could never accommodate all the chickens at one time. The first few weeks of the chickens lives they are raised in a closed in building. Their food and water is in this building, the outside is totally foreign to them. They have no inkling of going outside but because the guidelines are met these chickens are classified as free range. Sure they, just like the cows, are not raised on antibiotics and growth hormones but the bulk of there diet is still organic corn and the cows are still raised in feed lots. Organic food is more nutritious, I just don't know if in large supermarkets like "Whole Foods" if what we are calling organic is truly organic when you consider the fossil fuels and the distance some of these foods travel. Read the labels on packaged organic foods, some of those things on the labels while maybe come from organic sources don't sound so organic to me. I think if you truly want to go organic then you have to either grow it your self or support your local farmers market or food co-op. Then you still have to consider our polluted water and skies.
It just seems like when I look at food, organic or not, all I see is a plate full of corn and oil.
I urge you to watch "Food Inc" and read "The Omnivore's Dilemma" and make up your own mind and take action where ever possible for your own sake and for generations to come.
Seventh generation, for everything we do, how will effect the next seven generations.
When I go to the grocery store as a consumer and I see the organic produce and meats, I often times wonder if the price is justifiable. Often times you will pay twice as much for organic as you would conventional grown food. A lot of times it just comes down to economics and what I can afford. Which is unfortunate because food has to be the number one source of good health.
It has come to my attention through articles I've read and through personal observation some interesting facts. First; since "High Fructose Corn Syrup" was added to our foods in the mid 60's the rise of Diabetes has become epidemic. Secondly; the first "Mad Cow" disease didn't show up until the early 1980's when huge feed lots became established as the way to raise cattle. Thirdly; I don't know the facts on this but it seems that I read more and more about the recalls of produce and meats because of salmonella and the listeria virus. From what I read in the news it seems almost epidemic. A few years ago I started trying to eliminate "High Fructose Corn Syrup" from my diet. Partly because of this I'm constantly reading and comparing food labels and HFCS is in everything! From highly processed foods to even foods you think are healthy like yogurt and even whole wheat bread. It takes a real effort to eliminate it completely. Then a year or so ago I saw a documentary named "Food Inc" this video will really open your eyes to how our food supply has been turned into a giant corporate run business that is fully manipulated and only cares about the bottom line. I started thinking that maybe organics was best. Even when not using organics in my commercial kitchen I have tried to look at ways of cooking that is more healthy for my guest. I use essential oils and use less fat and more fruits and vegetables. I buy as much as possible from local sources and Colorado grown and raised. Still the price of the organics is an issue for me, especially in a commercial setting. the ranch I've worked at the past several years has a fixed price and the price of meals has to conform, just as in any restaurant you can only charge so much for a salad whether its organic or not.
The real problem I see with organics though is not price but if it is really organic. Sure the USDA has standards set for growing organic foods, free range chickens and "naturally" raised beef and pork. Think about it though. What we put in the air and the ground that is not organic stays there. If it is in the ground it will eventually leach down into the water. The pollutants we put into the air come down in the rain and snow. This has been my thinking; if we don't treat the earth as a whole, as one huge ecosystem that we must live in and protect. Then we can grow things organically but the things we grow wont be truly organic because of the pollutants that we put in the water and air that nourishes our plants and animals. Now with GMO's and the further manipulations to our food supply by Big Corporations, I'm back to thinking that well maybe we should go organic.
Then along comes a book called The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. Turns out he supports some of my questions about organics. He goes through the evolution of corn and how it has become such a large part of our diet and how it is really just another extension for our thirst for big oil. When he turns his eyes to organics he seems to support some of my misgivings with organics. First if you go to the grocery store you will see milk with cows grazing on idyllic farms, you will see frozen packaged foods with pictures of fresh beautiful veggies. this is far from the truth. Many of the same large farms grow fields of organically grown tomatoes in fields next to fields of "conventionally" grown tomatoes. I believe, and this is just conjecture on my part, that chemicals don't know boundaries and the chemicals will leach into other fields. Also how organic is something that is packaged in plastic and transported thousands of miles using fossil fuels? Same way is it really healthy to eat foods out of season, organic or not? How organic is something grown in Argentina and then shipped thousands of miles out of season here? If you look at free range chickens, which is all the rage, the guide lines set by the USDA says that the chickens must have access to grass areas. The chickens are raised by the thousands in long houses, at the end is a small door that they can go in and out of to a small grassy area that could never accommodate all the chickens at one time. The first few weeks of the chickens lives they are raised in a closed in building. Their food and water is in this building, the outside is totally foreign to them. They have no inkling of going outside but because the guidelines are met these chickens are classified as free range. Sure they, just like the cows, are not raised on antibiotics and growth hormones but the bulk of there diet is still organic corn and the cows are still raised in feed lots. Organic food is more nutritious, I just don't know if in large supermarkets like "Whole Foods" if what we are calling organic is truly organic when you consider the fossil fuels and the distance some of these foods travel. Read the labels on packaged organic foods, some of those things on the labels while maybe come from organic sources don't sound so organic to me. I think if you truly want to go organic then you have to either grow it your self or support your local farmers market or food co-op. Then you still have to consider our polluted water and skies.
It just seems like when I look at food, organic or not, all I see is a plate full of corn and oil.
I urge you to watch "Food Inc" and read "The Omnivore's Dilemma" and make up your own mind and take action where ever possible for your own sake and for generations to come.
Seventh generation, for everything we do, how will effect the next seven generations.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Violent America
I detest violence of any kind. War, hatred and violence are never justifiably in my eyes. Yet we DO live in a violent society. It is a common fact of life that there are people who are so twisted that they will find a way to do harm to the innocent.
Part of the cost of living in a FREE society is to let people go about their business lawfully and peacefully, unobstructed , to let people have free will, even when we are all not bent on leaving this world a beautiful, peaceful place. 99% of the time the people of this country and the world go about their business and voice their opinions in a peaceful manner.
It is the alarmist, the power hungry, the knee jerk reactionist that would have you believe other wise and use it to infringe upon your constitutional freedoms in the name of "Public Safety". Guess what? you can out law guns, knives, put every one who buys fertilizer and electrical wire on a bomb makers list. You can out- law public gatherings and walking down the streets. But ya know, only the law abiding citizens will follow along, the sheep. People with the notion, the intent of doing harm, they don't pay attention to laws and will find a way to circumvent the law and carry out their destruction, the wolves.
I don't mean to make light of recent events. But there will be people pounding their chest and nashing their teeth and some with all good intent to try to legislate in the name of "protection".
9/11; the government would have you believe that all the terrorist were caught and justice was done. Guess what? The terrorist won! Because of what they did, our society changed. Thanks to the "Patriot Act" ( an oxymoron if there ever was one) we are not as free as we once were. Now these same people want to limit our rights to gun ownership. They chip away at our freedoms little by little in the name of "Public Safety". Don't be fooled by this.
Our fore fathers didn't need big government to protect them. They believed and created this country so a man that worked in his community free from government intervention could also be free enough to take up arms and protect his community from threats, big or small.
I don't believe in guns but I'm a dreamer and believe in a Utopian, educated, peaceful, free society.
It would be more realistic if every one of an adult age were required to take a gun/shooting class and then were required to carry a shot gun at all times. If the sheep are armed and observant the wolves of the world will dissipate. Wolves are pack animals, they don't think for themselves and are rarely up for an armed resistance. They are motivated by ideology, fanaticism, greed and power. When they see this scared reaction-ism, it makes them more powerful. The best thing to do in the face of a bully is to brush yourself off and carry on as usual. If we change and cower behind and increasingly intrusively government, we are truly lost!
Part of the cost of living in a FREE society is to let people go about their business lawfully and peacefully, unobstructed , to let people have free will, even when we are all not bent on leaving this world a beautiful, peaceful place. 99% of the time the people of this country and the world go about their business and voice their opinions in a peaceful manner.
It is the alarmist, the power hungry, the knee jerk reactionist that would have you believe other wise and use it to infringe upon your constitutional freedoms in the name of "Public Safety". Guess what? you can out law guns, knives, put every one who buys fertilizer and electrical wire on a bomb makers list. You can out- law public gatherings and walking down the streets. But ya know, only the law abiding citizens will follow along, the sheep. People with the notion, the intent of doing harm, they don't pay attention to laws and will find a way to circumvent the law and carry out their destruction, the wolves.
I don't mean to make light of recent events. But there will be people pounding their chest and nashing their teeth and some with all good intent to try to legislate in the name of "protection".
9/11; the government would have you believe that all the terrorist were caught and justice was done. Guess what? The terrorist won! Because of what they did, our society changed. Thanks to the "Patriot Act" ( an oxymoron if there ever was one) we are not as free as we once were. Now these same people want to limit our rights to gun ownership. They chip away at our freedoms little by little in the name of "Public Safety". Don't be fooled by this.
Our fore fathers didn't need big government to protect them. They believed and created this country so a man that worked in his community free from government intervention could also be free enough to take up arms and protect his community from threats, big or small.
I don't believe in guns but I'm a dreamer and believe in a Utopian, educated, peaceful, free society.
It would be more realistic if every one of an adult age were required to take a gun/shooting class and then were required to carry a shot gun at all times. If the sheep are armed and observant the wolves of the world will dissipate. Wolves are pack animals, they don't think for themselves and are rarely up for an armed resistance. They are motivated by ideology, fanaticism, greed and power. When they see this scared reaction-ism, it makes them more powerful. The best thing to do in the face of a bully is to brush yourself off and carry on as usual. If we change and cower behind and increasingly intrusively government, we are truly lost!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Is Our food Supply Safe
I've been in the food industry for more then 20 years. The kitchens I work in are regularly inspected by health officials and there has never been a problem. Ever since my grandfathers small diner I've seen health regulations get tighter and tighter. Now it is to a point where it almost seems like they are trying to make kitchens sterile and more regulations then a small business can keep up with. Some of the regulations are beyond common sense. However, on the other hand it seems more and more there are problems with disease and things like salmonella and listeria virus before the food ever gets to my back door. I think the food recalls and the virus outbreaks are becoming epidemic. I can only point my finger at how different our food is produced from when my grandfather had his diner 50 years ago. Back then most things were raised, at least regionally if not locally. I remember the old guy at our corner market, who also lived in the neighborhood, killing his own chickens behind the store. Now everything is mass produced packaged, factory, corporate food. Just like every thing in our society we are being separated from nature and it is causing health problems. The more factories, the more corporations, the more we and our food are separated from the natural process, the more illness and disease we will have.
One foot note to this is, while trying hard to not ruffle feathers, I have asked state health officials about the food that is delivered to my back door and was blown off, with great assurance to the safety of our food supply .
One foot note to this is, while trying hard to not ruffle feathers, I have asked state health officials about the food that is delivered to my back door and was blown off, with great assurance to the safety of our food supply .
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
If there need to be any more proof that the lines separating the Democrats and Republicans had become blurred. The recent announcement that President Obama in his most recent budget; seeks to cut health care benefits is proof positive
WHAT? Did President Obama think the American people would forget that he bailed out the banks and big corporations? Now he is cutting health care???? With the cost of health care in this country ANY benefits we can get from any where is a god send.
How about this! We cut benefits and salaries of career politicians until this country gets back on the right track. I know if I did my job like congress, the house of representatives ( an oxymoron if there was ever one), and the president I wouldn't have a job. Neither should they! I say until things start improving vote out the people who are in office now.
"If pro is the opposite of con is congress the opposite of progress?"
WHAT? Did President Obama think the American people would forget that he bailed out the banks and big corporations? Now he is cutting health care???? With the cost of health care in this country ANY benefits we can get from any where is a god send.
How about this! We cut benefits and salaries of career politicians until this country gets back on the right track. I know if I did my job like congress, the house of representatives ( an oxymoron if there was ever one), and the president I wouldn't have a job. Neither should they! I say until things start improving vote out the people who are in office now.
"If pro is the opposite of con is congress the opposite of progress?"
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Action against Toshiba and Best Buy
The lap top is still hanging up, it looks like I've lost all my work from my previous computer, the key board is getting really screwy. The Best Buy CEO group wont return my emails or phone calls. That shit company Toshiba has yet to respond.
I have filed a complaint with the consumer complaint agency but it requires a $25 processing fee which is hard for me to come up with at this time but I will have it in the near future and hopefully they will handle this and get this resolved.
***** further~ I went ahead and spent my last $25 to send this complaint in. Hopefully it will do some good. All I want is a computer that works and it is hard for me to understand why this hasn't been resolved to my satisfaction, being in the service industry it is hard for me to fathom how companies can function in such a manner. I haven't been pushing for this but since this has been such an ordeal, if they can not recover all my pictures and writings that seem to be lost, I am asking for $500 in compensation. The pictures and writings are worth a LOT more to me then that but maybe I'll receive some kind of compensation.
I have filed a complaint with the consumer complaint agency but it requires a $25 processing fee which is hard for me to come up with at this time but I will have it in the near future and hopefully they will handle this and get this resolved.
***** further~ I went ahead and spent my last $25 to send this complaint in. Hopefully it will do some good. All I want is a computer that works and it is hard for me to understand why this hasn't been resolved to my satisfaction, being in the service industry it is hard for me to fathom how companies can function in such a manner. I haven't been pushing for this but since this has been such an ordeal, if they can not recover all my pictures and writings that seem to be lost, I am asking for $500 in compensation. The pictures and writings are worth a LOT more to me then that but maybe I'll receive some kind of compensation.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
I Refuse to Be Dumbed Down and So Should You
I think there is in general a dumbing down of america. It insults me that they try to make a tv show like "American Idol" news worthy. REALLY, your going to tell me there is nothing more important going on in the world???????
In the past few years it seems like this dumbing down has focused on the south and the term "Red Neck".
The powers at be are trying to tell us a "red neck" is some one with a southern accent who is uneducated and only cares about drinking, hunting, fishing, fast cars and loose women. This could be further from the truth and as a proud southern I'm HIGHLY annoyed and insulted. Do you want to know the true meaning of a red neck? It is someone who has worked hard all his life trying to provide a decent life for the family while sweating under the hot humid sun and the yoke of an over imposing government until his neck is blistered red.
If your from the south and your as proud of your deep culture and history as I am. Then you should be insulted by any other definition and not participate in ANYTHING that shows other wise.
These shows they are trying to pass off as reality shows, I believe most of it is scripted especially Duck Dynasty. In fact, that guy that plays the CEO doesn't even have a real Louisiana accent at least none that I've ever heard and I've spent a fair amount of time in Louisiana.
I was raised a proud southern, taught manners and southern chivalry. The south has a long rich history deep in culture. I, to this day hold doors for ladies, it doesn't matter if they are 8 or 80. Funny, I actually made a girl irritated because I would open the car door for her. I believe deeply in equality for every one but that doesn't stop me from being a gentleman.
I don't know where all this they are trying to shove down our throats is coming from, what is passed off today as entertainment and news, but I refuse to buy into it and you should also. Its degrading, insulting and just wrong.
In the past few years it seems like this dumbing down has focused on the south and the term "Red Neck".
The powers at be are trying to tell us a "red neck" is some one with a southern accent who is uneducated and only cares about drinking, hunting, fishing, fast cars and loose women. This could be further from the truth and as a proud southern I'm HIGHLY annoyed and insulted. Do you want to know the true meaning of a red neck? It is someone who has worked hard all his life trying to provide a decent life for the family while sweating under the hot humid sun and the yoke of an over imposing government until his neck is blistered red.
If your from the south and your as proud of your deep culture and history as I am. Then you should be insulted by any other definition and not participate in ANYTHING that shows other wise.
These shows they are trying to pass off as reality shows, I believe most of it is scripted especially Duck Dynasty. In fact, that guy that plays the CEO doesn't even have a real Louisiana accent at least none that I've ever heard and I've spent a fair amount of time in Louisiana.
I was raised a proud southern, taught manners and southern chivalry. The south has a long rich history deep in culture. I, to this day hold doors for ladies, it doesn't matter if they are 8 or 80. Funny, I actually made a girl irritated because I would open the car door for her. I believe deeply in equality for every one but that doesn't stop me from being a gentleman.
I don't know where all this they are trying to shove down our throats is coming from, what is passed off today as entertainment and news, but I refuse to buy into it and you should also. Its degrading, insulting and just wrong.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Toshiba laptop and Best Buy Geek Squad
My Toshiba laptop continues to lock up and need restarting. the cursor moves around and all of a sudden I'm typing in a new place and it even types extra letters. I have had no response from Best Buy or Toshiba.
In the mean while, it would seem I've lost some music, writings and all my pictures from the past. The Geek Squad was supposed to back all my stuff up on the storage device. I can't find it anywhere. I've opened file after file. I'm no computer techno person, I could have screwed up, but here again is just another example of the customer service you get from a faceless corporation vs what you would get from a mom and pop operation. After the sale Best Buy has left it up to me to solve this whole issue. A Mom and Pop operation usually has a helping hand out and will bend over backwards to make things right. At this point I don't think this can be made right.
BOYCOTT; BEST BUY AND TOSHIBA and other faceless corporations!!!!!!
The bottom line is all a corporation understands. Back in the 70's I was part of a boycott that stopped the unnecessary killings of dolphins. We can change America. We can change the way business is being done. Find the Mom and Pop stores in your town and support them before they are forced out of business.
In the mean while, it would seem I've lost some music, writings and all my pictures from the past. The Geek Squad was supposed to back all my stuff up on the storage device. I can't find it anywhere. I've opened file after file. I'm no computer techno person, I could have screwed up, but here again is just another example of the customer service you get from a faceless corporation vs what you would get from a mom and pop operation. After the sale Best Buy has left it up to me to solve this whole issue. A Mom and Pop operation usually has a helping hand out and will bend over backwards to make things right. At this point I don't think this can be made right.
BOYCOTT; BEST BUY AND TOSHIBA and other faceless corporations!!!!!!
The bottom line is all a corporation understands. Back in the 70's I was part of a boycott that stopped the unnecessary killings of dolphins. We can change America. We can change the way business is being done. Find the Mom and Pop stores in your town and support them before they are forced out of business.
GPS vs "Dead Reckoning"
Back when hell was a campfire, before cell phones and gps. I would kind of scan a map, get an idea of where I was going and head out. I and who ever was with me often time saw some interesting places and sights that were off the beaten path.
I added a gps app to my new smart phone and on a long road trip on the east coast tried it out. It worked great when I had an address and needed directions. But, like a lot of people the gps on this phone thinks that the interstate is the best way to go. When it came time to leave Orlando and go over to Panama City beach It wanted me to go north on I-75 until I hit I-10. I didn't like this so much and looked at a map and picked out another route that took me along a beautiful two lane highway with a 55 mph speed limit. It was a beautiful drive through the Apalachicola National Forest. Very little traffic, Florida before condos . Just a beautiful drive and at 55 mph that is where my jeep gets the best gas mileage. There was one little hick-up and I didn't really realize it until I noticed something wasn't right. I was using "Map Quest" but also "Google Maps" and they were not giving me the same directions. I got kind of off course, but quickly realized it and got back on the right track. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have made any better time on the interstate. In this case the gps is what got me turned around.
When I left Panama City, I don't know, maybe it was the only way to go but the gps took me by back roads to Memphis a beautiful drive through the Alabama country side.
Is it possible that the gps has a brain and it has figured out I
like the back roads better? I doubt it! LMAO! But it was funny that it took me through the back roads when before it wanted to stick to the interstate.
I added a gps app to my new smart phone and on a long road trip on the east coast tried it out. It worked great when I had an address and needed directions. But, like a lot of people the gps on this phone thinks that the interstate is the best way to go. When it came time to leave Orlando and go over to Panama City beach It wanted me to go north on I-75 until I hit I-10. I didn't like this so much and looked at a map and picked out another route that took me along a beautiful two lane highway with a 55 mph speed limit. It was a beautiful drive through the Apalachicola National Forest. Very little traffic, Florida before condos . Just a beautiful drive and at 55 mph that is where my jeep gets the best gas mileage. There was one little hick-up and I didn't really realize it until I noticed something wasn't right. I was using "Map Quest" but also "Google Maps" and they were not giving me the same directions. I got kind of off course, but quickly realized it and got back on the right track. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have made any better time on the interstate. In this case the gps is what got me turned around.
When I left Panama City, I don't know, maybe it was the only way to go but the gps took me by back roads to Memphis a beautiful drive through the Alabama country side.
Is it possible that the gps has a brain and it has figured out I
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