"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. "
Thomas Paine

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Blaming President Obama

                     Don't get me wrong I'm no great supporter of President Barack Obama, I'm a Libertarian.  I do however think it is funny how everybody blames President Obama for the present state of the country. Now he may not be helping things but to blame a man, any man for something that has taken years to come about is just foolish. If you look at the record, since 1969 there have been five "Republican" presidents and only three "Democrat" presidents. Not only that the "Republican" presidents have run the country ten years longer than the "Democrats". This is why I vote "Libertarian", both of our "major" parties are just as guilty as the other one at the shape the country has fallen into.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


    Get involved and engage in what ever you believe in! I believe that in small ways many people can make a positive difference.
        Lately, I've bitten the bullet and bought "organic" produce. Just like with solar and wind power, the more people who commit is the only way the price will moderate and become equal to the norm.
Last night while shopping, I discovered a "Paul Newman" thin crust pizza. It has better ingredients and a lot more protein and less sugar then my regular "Stouffers" french bread pizza, which has a pretty good sugar, protein, fiber combination. Plus all the profits go to charity. Going by all their literature, you can't go wrong buying any of  the "Paul Newman" brand products. I also bought "7th Generation" paper products. Their mantra of what we do, how will it effect the next 7 generations is something we should all consider.
     I was going to buy these items any way. I had choices, some of them a lot cheaper, but I feel like it is worth the money to search out and buy products like these. Better for you, your community and for the world.
    Use your own money to make a difference, write a letter about something you believe in and send it to the proper source, if you see a wrong speak out against it, to change things its going to take the common man to  take back the country from the power elite and to make this a better world.

Monday, January 20, 2014

President Jimmy Carters Legacy

             For a long while, I was involved as a volunteer in the democrat party. That is until I saw the injustice done to Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Cater took over the presidency after Nixon and Ford almost ruined this country, at the height of an energy crises.
         It disgust me when I read where people call him inept or a bad president. I'm here to say that he will go down in history as one of our best presidents. He told people the truth and people don't want to hear the truth. They don''t want to hear that they should wear sweaters inside when its 20 degrees outside. No! They would rather here how to "lift there selves up by their boot straps" go out and get in debt for the rest of your lives so you can afford that "American Dream", go into debt to be prosperous!!!!
       I'm here to tell you and I don't think there is any body that can tell me any different. If we had continued with Carters energy policy we wouldn't be in the shape we are right now. We probably wouldn't be in Iraq or Afghanistan. Carter brought peace to the Middle East, look at it now! Carter had started the decriminalization of marijuana. Reagans war on drugs saw the rise of cocaine and the rise of drug cartels and the Mexican Mafia while people's lives were ruined and went to jail because of mandatory sentencing laws. Today the legalization and the ending of pot prohibition is sweeping the country. Just think of the money that could have been made in taxes the last 30 years, the jobs created, the money saved on enforcement and incarceration. The Iranian crises he couldn't help and he couldn't help the inept military rescue effort. In the end it was all politically engineered to make him look bad. But I'm telling you he will go down as one of the most visionary presidents in the 20th century, everything we are doing today from alternative energy sources to legalization of marijuana he started 30 years ago and then the nay sayers, main stream democrats and republicans with all their corporate sponsors took over and you see where that got us.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Problem With A National Health Care Policy

       Starting off we need to look at a couple of facts about our society.
             #1 The dollar is king
             #2  Anything the government does is filled with bureaucracy and thus much more expensive, mostly through forced taxation.
   I think we need to look at why we need a "National Health Care Policy"? Why is health care so expensive in this country? Lets face it; insurance companies are not benevolent institutions looking out for our best interest, neither are lawyers. They are both driven, just like everything else in this society, by money. I think if we took lawyers and insurance companies out of it, health care would not cost what it does today. What kind of society sues someone because they make a mistake for trying to help someone, in some times a life and death matter? What kind of society do we live in?
    Then you look at Washington~  it is filled with lawyers and advocates for the insurance companies. People I'm telling you we don't stand a chance! There will be people getting mega rich off this, probably big corporate insurance companies and doctors will hand out more and more of big pharmaceuticals pills with all the bad side effects while it cost us more and more in the form of taxes and poor health because the real issues of the illness of the society and how to fix them are not being addressed because of corporate greed.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Read The Constitution Mr Buchanan

     I must admit that I rarely watch television. Also I used to be fully involved with the politics of this country, even volunteering and working on campaigns, but became disenchanted many years ago.
       Just by chance, I caught The Mclaughlin Group last Sunday, 1/ 5 / 14.
The discussion was on the recent legalization of marijuana in Colorado, Washington State and decriminalization in other parts of the country. I was glad to hear on all the news programs I watched that morning, that the general agreement is that the prohibition on marijuana is over. The government just needs to get on board.
      Of course I guess they have to have one idiot. Pat Buchanan does not disappoint. He stated at one point and I'm copying and pasting here:  "But this is the sentiment in the country, I think, sort of the decline of community and the rise of the idea of the autonomous and privileged self. And this is a trend, and it's going to continue." 
      Really???? "The privileged self"?????
    Has he ever read the preamble to the constitution?????
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  Ever read this Mr. Buchanan???? Our constitution is filled with things about individual rights and freedoms. Maybe you should read it sometime or maybe you should go live in The Peoples Republic Of China where the focus is on the collective. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Only Crime In A society Filled With Laws

“In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.” 
― Hunter S. ThompsonFear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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